Rejection and social circles

Lately I’ve been seeing and hearing a lot of people wrestling with feelings of rejection. Seeking to find their “people”, their place at certain tables, their social circle. Ultimately where they fit.

I am no stranger to the feelings of rejection. Honestly I have had beautiful friendships along the way. I’ve experienced both popularity and unpopularity in different seasons of life. But no matter what seeming “acceptance” I experienced I never have felt “in”. Even at the earliest memory I felt loved but still very different which at times felt like rejection.

There have also been times of straight rejection. No way around it. I’ve been both invited and uninvited… welcome and unwelcome… remembered and forgotten. I’m not everyone’s cup of tea and that is really okay with me. Sitting here today, I can confidently say that all this was to serve me. It drove me to the Father’s arms, the faithfulness of the bridegroom and the sweetest friendship with Holy Spirit.

I was talking to Holy Spirit about this topic the other day. As I asked him to show me His perspective, this is what He said…

“Melissa, people grasp for social circles seeking fulfillment, seeking comfort, seeking home.. but it’s rooted in insecurity.

The only social circle that brings the security and fulfillment they are seeking is in the social circle of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.. the circle dance of Perichoresis.

It’s the social circle they were created from. It’s the fullness, the protection, the ecstasy, the joy, the peace, the love that they are seeking. It’s HOME.”

The more conscious and secure one becomes here, the more authentic confidence is formed allowing one then to truly love the way they were designed to.

Not grasping, pulling or seeking for one to fulfill what only he can.

Interestingly once a person settles deep in this place, the centrifugal force of the dance brings to you the people that you are called to connect and walk with. It’s easy and light, no striving, no maintaining.. just love.

So if you are wrestling with feelings of rejection or the questions of “where do I fit?”

Allow me the honor to say, you fit right in that beautiful circle dance, in His perfect love. Lean back and make yourself at home there.. He will do the rest..

Your friend Mel 💜


What do you want?


The not so popular opinion…