perfect love

How are you?

I simply do not know how to give an adequate answer to this question

Diagnosis has attempted to assert itself. But those words haven’t ever had any authority over me.

Shame says I’m bald but He said vulnerability and nakedness is making room for greater glory. He said “ITS OVER” and sealed it with perfect love on my head.

There is a realm He has brought me into where death is irrelevant. Separation is an illusion.. and suffering is a beautiful gate to deeper entwining and becoming

I’m surrounded by perfect love. His wrap around presence hides me in the safety of His love. It’s all I can see. It has consumed my consciousness.

At times, I hear the distant knocks of other peoples lower realms of perspectives.. questioning.. worrying.. fearful..

Yet I remain surrounded in the chrysalis of perfect love…

I am becoming something completely new in here which is yet to be unveiled

But I refuse to come out before He says it’s time

What looks like suffering to the rest of the world Is actually favor

I cannot explain the depths and the access

The encounter.. the transformation

The braiding.. the intimacy.. nor do I want to try to.. it’s too precious.. words feel like constraints in this space

All I can see are beautiful tomorrows filled with goodness and mercy.. I am so distracted by the LIFE He is showing me in this place.. and beyond this moment.. my heart is swollen with excitement and pregnant with anticipation..

so when another who doesn’t see these things asks in that lower frequency of fear it comically stuns me like a pop of static electricity..

How can I explain this JOY? This HOPE? This wild river of LIFE gushing out of me? This REST and PEACE that is absolute.

Truthfully I can’t. Because He’s a person to be encountered and known.. not explained.

So I just smile and say, “really good”…

And there is the invitation..

And right now that is enough.


The faith of Jesus


All it took was one…