This morning google photos popped up reminding me at this time three years ago, I was in the middle of chemo treatments for breast cancer. We had taken a trip up to the Smokey Mountains with my parents for a few days in the middle of it all.
Interestingly, today I find myself in the middle of treatments once again, and I am longing for these mountains. I may not be able to feel the cool running waters, but my heart is very much here. Near this quiet brook of bliss (psalm23). I am so grateful for this photo that my dad captured. Right after this was taken, I walked along the rocks in the stream. Holy Spirit whispered to me to pick out five smooth stones, so of course I did. I knew the reference was to David, but I wasn’t sure why he was having me do it. I put them in my pocket and still have them today.
Months later, I was in my closet pouring out my heart to Abba and He brought those stones into remembrance. I held them in my hand waiting on Him to speak. Admittedly, my heart was in a vulnerable place wrestling with fear over a specific health situation that I was walking through. He gently whispered to my heart, “How many stones did it take to slay Goliath?”. Of course, I knew, but before I could respond He said, “All it took was one.”
His gentle whisper pierced through all the fear and questions and immediately I felt the radiant light of His hope illuminate through my whole being.
That was not just any stone. It was defiant love flung by the power of The Fear of The Lord. It was love that is absolutely assured that there is victory over anything and everything that would rise up in opposition to its authority.
David’s life has always been so fascinating to me. He is one that I have always felt a deep connection with. David found home in those fields day after day night after night tending his flocks with Abba. He knew He belonged to Abba and that love empowered Him to do the impossible. He didn't consider all the others that Goliath had slain. He didn’t measure his sword to Goliath's or his physical size even. No. He knew that this mouthy Philistine was daring to exalt itself over the word of the Lord. Because of that, David knew victory was secured, someone had to have the confidence in Yahweh’s nature and authority to stand up and release it.
He was an unlikely candidate. Hidden in the fields for years, rejected and unseen. But those years were actually his school of beloved identity. Love is always the highest authority in the room. David knew Love himself so when that giant dared to rise up, David knew the One who could take him down. Because he had seen him do it before, alone when no one was watching.
This word meant something very specific to me when he originally spoke it to me in the closet that day. But this morning He took it deeper and showed me a greater truth hidden in it.
This stone in the hand of a shepherd boy that took down that giant points to another. Many years later, a precious stone would be flung from the heart of Abba, straight into the depth of the giant called death and separation. This is the living stone that many rejected but has now become the cornerstone. He was not what they all expected. He refused to wear the religious armor, but instead became the very stone that took down death and the grave itself. “All it took was one”. One stone that defeated fear, death and the grave. Setting all men free and birthing a completely new people. This one stone is Yeshua and all who put their hope in him will never be disappointed.
There is a giant that has risen up against me. But this battle really isn’t about me. It’s risen against the word of the Lord over my life. The word of The Lord over my husband and children’s lives. It’s risen against the promises, the love and heart of the Father for me and my generations. It has risen against the deeply woven relationship that I have with my beloved bridegroom. It has risen against the knowledge of Yeshua. It has risen against the victory sound of the IT IS FINISHED in the blood of Jesus. But like David, I cling to this one stone and hold it high as a reminder that this battle has already been won on my behalf! And now I myself have become a living stone, joined in union with Him to host the presence of Yahweh!
This victory has rendered this giant powerless. It’s only weapon now is deception. It bullies, harasses and intimidates people. It comes to steal, kill and destroy. But there is One I know more, and His name is Yeshua. He is the good shepherd who came to give us LIFE and LIFE ABUNDANT!
All it took was one stone named YESHUA to take out that giant called death. So I stand in assurance that this battle is already one.
I want to encourage you today that whatever impossible situation that you may be facing, allow Holy Spirit to give you His perspective on it. Shut down the voices that try to magnify the size of the opposition. Set your eyes on the greatness of The Lord. Take your focus off of the problem and get lost in the love of your Father. You are so incredibly loved! Let that reality enfold you until you are unaware of the battle. You’re just feasting with your Father.
As beloved sons and daughters born from the pierced side of Yeshua we are called to live our lives and view every circumstance from the IT IS FINISHED reality. This is the truth to which all things are held up and tested unto.
Psalm 23
John 10
Matthew 22:42-46
Psalm 118:22-23
1 Samuel 17